Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

No, it is not okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher. According to Fisch, "All educators must achieve a basic level of technologically capability." Teacher should at least know how turn on a computer, and operate the world wide web. But it still amazes me many people are still computer illiterate. Technology surrounds us every where, from the grocery store to the local library.

I feel that teachers should be able to operate the technology that's in the classroom. They should be smarter than the average fifth grader. Kids today can create things on a computer that I just ask myself "How did you do that?" Please do not ask me about Myspace. Does that mean I am technologically illiterate? I have mastered Facebook though.

As future educators we should never stop learning. We need to stay twenty steps ahead of our kids in the classroom. Education is important on all levels from science to math. Teachers should feel the same about technology. Its becoming a powerful tool in today's society. It surrounds us everyday. They have drink machine that take debit cards these days. What ever happen to change. Its no escaping this tech thing. We will either learn as it grows or get left behind.

1 comment:

  1. Great points Timeka! I agree it is important that teachers stay a little ahead of their students regarding technology and today, that is not easy. But teachers can an must do it or like you said get quickly left behind. SS
