Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Personal Favorite on the Lists

These lists were very interesting. Especially, Dough Johnson's Seven Stupid Mistakes that a teachers make. I have being guilty of a few. Let's just say surfing the Internet, and sending email while at work is not a wise choice. It's better to do that at home. You never know when it will come back and hunt you. Just because you deleted it from your computer does not mean a it doesn't exist. Trust me someone is keeping track of every email, Internet site visited, and phone call that you make. Keep it business at all times.

Ignoring the intrinsic interest of tech use in today's kids. Kids like technology. Not using it as a hook to motivate and interest them in their education is stupid.This was Dough Johnson's sixth mistake a teacher makes. Technology can be used to enhance a child's education. And as an educator, it is our job to stay ahead of the students. Technology can be used in all subject matter from math, English, science, and history. It should never be ignored. Today's kids are more tech savvy than most of adults. They are surfing the Internet, joining the latest social network, playing games, and uploading videos to YouTube. Therefore, educators must stay ahead of the game.

Thinking technology in schools will go away. But it is stupid to think technology in education will go away. It isn't going away in banking, medicine, business, science, and agriculture - anywhere else in society. Anticipating that "this too shall pass" about technology is pretty stupid. Dough Johnson's seventh stupid mistake teaches make with technology. Technology is here to stay. Not only is it staying, it will continue to change. And it's changing in exponential ways. Technology is changing the way we drive, the way learn, and the way we communicate among friends. The GPS is the new map. No more getting lost on those highways and byways. We can take online class no more going to class, but I prefer going to class. There just something about that online thing. The cell keeps us connect everywhere we go. The various social networks. We are able to stay connected to the entire world. We can not afford to be a stupid tech teacher. We must get on board or else we will get left behind.

Accept the role of co-leaner. Brilliant teachers not only accept the dismal fact that they will never know all there is to know about technology, they also turn that condition into a classroom advantage by having their brilliant children teach them how to do something techie now and then. This Dough's Johnson fifth point that brilliant teachers do with technology. I must admit, I will probably never know everything about technology. I will be willing to learn from my students. I would love for them teach me something new. Just to think, they know something there teacher don't.

Dough Johnson's number six thing a brilliant teacher does with technology is use the kids’ own devices to teach them. There are so many devices available to kids. They have ipods, phone with camera and video recorder, laptop computers, and playstations 3. These all can be used as an educational tool. Kids can develop blogs and podcast.
They create projects by documented certain species and flowers. There games that kids can play to enhance their knowledge of all subject matter. The kids will be learning will using their on gadgets. What an excellent way to trick them into learning.

The Education Innovation had some great classroom rules to use with technology. These rule are certainly new and was none existence ten years ago. Use polite speech when speaking blogging, texting, twittering, and instant messaging. These rules do not apply to me. I have broken these rule more than once. And you can kiss my keyboard @:#) #_. Yeah that's what I was going to say. Kids should be made of aware that somethings are not meant to be said in the virtual word. We are able to hit delete, but there is always a record somewhere. So be careful. This rule should certainly be enforce in the classroom. Students will be blogging, texting , instant messaging, twittering, and using facebook. Please keep it clean at all times.

Keep your hands to yourself, but share all your ideas and knowledge with others in your Personal Learning Network. Knowledge is meant to be shared. Hands not so much. Sharing our information allows for constructive criticisms and critique from our peers. This allow the students to learn from their mistakes and make progress in the future. The students become the teacher when they share their experience and knowledge. We should all learn from someone or something. So please share with me and keep your hands to yourself.

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