Sunday, November 29, 2009

What I Learned in EDM 310

This class has taken me on a journey through the land of technology. And what a journey it has been. I have being exposed to so much, that I truly feel that I will be a better educator because of EMD 310. The experienced that I encountered in the class were certainly new. I have always considered myself to literate where technology was concern. But after taken this class, I was definitely proven wrong.

The blogging, podcasts, videocasts, PLN, google docs, google presentation, and google earth are all new to me. I have always read blogs of others for entertainment purpose only, but I never thought I would create one myself. I have found blogging to be an enjoyable process. It very therapeutic to share your insights and ideas on various information.

Google was thought to be a search engine. But after taken this class, I discovered it has much more to offer. Google provide free applications that can used by anyone. I will certainly be using in the near future. The google translate, I have used it a couple of times since being introduced to it. I love it. What an excellent way to introduce students to foreign language. It not just limited to Spanish, or French. It translate language that are spoken around the entire world.

I can not say enough about Twitter. I just love my twitter land. It allows me to express my self freely. Whatever I am thinking I just twitt it. I can maintain a certain level of privacy. Twitter is not so personal, like most social networks. My email, birth date, graduation date, age, social status, and my hair color, or not ever made known on twitter. I guess that's why I like it so much. My life is not on public display for the world to see.

I can see using podcast in the classroom. I am glad that I had the good fortune of learning about them in EDM 310. My students will certainly think I am a cool teacher. I will certainly be using this as a group assignments. I can see it. Coming live from Ms. Holloway Third Class today we bring the evolution of life.

I can't say there are things that I wished I had learned. Technology is changing everyday. I can only try to keep up. I cant say that I was excited by this class. I had to take in order to get into sequence. SORRY!!! This class was a challenge. Every week there was an assignment due. Boredom, trust me, you do not have time to get bored with this class. There is always something to do. In class, I always learned something new. There was something that we worked on every time we met. There is nothing I would change. The class is fine, just very demanding.

I consider myself to be technologically literate at the moment. I embrace technology. The world is changing and I know I must change with it. Technology changes everything we do from driving, learning, teaching, cooking, reading, and making calls. It even changes the way we communicate with the entire world. I realize I will never know everything, but I can sure try to educate myself. I will always try to stay a step ahead of my students.

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